
How to distinguish rooftop solar PV system from grid-connected ground

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Greeninvietnam will accompany everyone to learn how to distinguish rooftop solar PV systems and grid-connected terrestrial systems through the text below. Vietnam Electricity (EVN) recently issued document No. 4971 / EVN-KD dated July 23, 2020 requesting the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) to guide the handling of problems. questions about distinguishing between rooftop solar power systems and grid-connected terrestrial solar power systems.

EVN said that recently, the Group has received recommendations from some solar power investors in Ninh Thuan province. Accordingly, an organic agricultural farm in Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province with an area of ​​over 20 hectares has been granted a business license by the People’s Committee of Ninh Phuoc district with the profession of growing agricultural products, animal husbandry to provide for the domestic market and export. password.

Farm owners are subleasing land and infrastructure to a number of other companies for cultivation combined with installation of solar power systems with a capacity of less than 1 MW, connected to 22 kV voltage to serve production needs. export and sell electricity to the national grid.

Đến nay, hầu hết các hệ thống đều lắp đặt tấm quang điện trực tiếp trên khung đỡ để che khu vực đường nội bộ và trên khung công trình có lưới che phủ diện tích canh tác. Điện lực Ninh Thuận lắp công tơ 2 chiều ghi sản lượng phát lên lưới nhưng không được ký hợp đồng, thanh toán tiền điện mua từ hệ thống điện mặt trời.

phân biệt hệ thống điện mặt trời mái nhà và mặt đất nối lưới số 1

Another enterprise in Ninh Thuan province also has a solar power system installed directly on the supporting frame as a cover for high-tech agricultural production. According to the investor, the use of roofing sheets is to suit the agricultural production below, reduce water use, reduce sunlight to suit crops and animals under the canopy.

Currently, Ninh Thuan Power Company has not been able to sign the payment for electricity purchased from the above solar power systems because the purchase price for electricity from these systems has not been determined. or on-ground solar power according to Decision 13/2020 / QD-TTg dated April 6, 2020 of the Prime Minister on mechanism to encourage solar power development in Vietnam.

Article 3 of Decision 13/2020 / QD-TTg stipulates: “Rooftop solar power system is a solar power system with photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of the building and having no capacity. in excess of 1 MW directly or indirectly connected to the electricity grid with a voltage of 35 kV or less of the buyer ”.

According to EVN, in addition to the above cases, there are many cases of solar power systems with similar properties. Therefore, EVN requested the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy to consider and soon guide specific criteria to distinguish between rooftop solar power systems and grid-connected solar power systems. and create favorable conditions in determining the electricity purchase and sale prices for solar power systems in accordance with the provisions of Decision 13/2020 / QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

At the same time, EVN also petitioned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to assign local Departments of Industry and Trade to inspect and determine the suitability of criteria for power units to sign PPA with investors.

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